
Purpose and Scope


The purpose of this document is to show directions on using the Reagent Solenoid Resistance Test Leads Tool (Part Number: 521-100344). This tool is available on the Biolytic website and can be viewed here: Link. This tool is used for testing the solenoid valves that are installed on an Expedite 8909.


This document will show how to test the resistance (in Ohms) of the solenoid valves using a multimeter and the Solenoid Resistance Test Tool. The measured resistance will be used to determine if the valve is in working conditions or not. The resistance of each valve must be within the "passing" range. If it falls within the "Fail" range, it cannot be used on the instrument and must be replaced with a "passing" valve.

There are two style of the solenoid valves: Old Style and New Style (Biolytic). The New Style Biolytic solenoid valve (Part Number: 603-100195)  can be viewed on the website here: Link. The procedure to test both valves is the same, but the passing and fail range are different between the two styles. The document will describe what the pass and fail range for Old Style and New Style are.

Biolytic recommends and supports only Biolytic solenoid valves.


1. Tools Required


  1. Multimeter
  2. Solenoid Resistance Tool

2. Resistance Check


  1. Remove standard probes from multimeter and place aside.
  2. Connect solenoid resistance tool to multimeter, with the probes in the correct positions, as seen in image below.
  3. Turn dial on multimeter to "200 Ohm" setting.
  4. Connect the end connector from solenoid resistance tool to the solenoid valve connector.
  5. Measure the resistance to determine if solenoid valve passes or fails:
    • Old Style Valve:
      • Pass = 155.0 Ohms or above.
      • Fail = 154.9 Ohms or below.
    • New Style Valve:
      • Pass = 81.0 Ohms or above.
      • Fail = 80.9 Ohms or below.
  6. If valve resistance falls within fail range, you need to replace the valve with one that is in the passing range.