OligoNet Communication Setup for ABI 392/394



The ABI 392/394 DNA Synthesizer is operable as a stand alone system, but can be connected to a Apple Macintosh (Mac) computer to edit and store additional protocols for synthesis. The OligoNet software is only compatible with Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X running in Classic Mode.

Newer Mac computers do not include an "Apple Talk" port that is necessary in communicating with the ABI 392/394 directly.  To solve this issue, the Asante Talk Ethernet Bridge is used to establish communication from the "Apple Talk" port on the ABI 392/394 to the Ethernet port on the Mac. The following procedure covers the connection of these components and the correct order in which they are powered on.

Parts Needed

  1. Asante Talk Ethernet to LocalTalk Bridge (120 VAC or 220 VAC) - Qty 1
    • This is a network bridge that joins the physical layer of the Apple Talk networking used by previous generations of Apple Computer products to an Ethernet network. The Asante is a plug and play device; it does not require device configuration to resolve resource conflicts.
  2. USB drive containing the OligoNet Software for the ABI 392/394 - Qty 1
    • This is needed in the case that the Mac computer in use does not already have the OligoNet software installed
Parts Needed

Items not included in this kit but must be supplied by user:

  1. ABI 392/394 DNA Synthesizer Instrument
  2. A Mac Computer containing OligoNet software (If computer does not contain the OligoNet software, the USB drive included in this kit contains the correct software and can be installed on the computer)
    • Includes keyboard, mouse, and power cord
  3. DVI Cable, male-to-male, Mac compatible
    • Used to connect the Mac computer to the monitor
  4. Monitor

Computer Setup

In this document, a Mini Mac computer (OSX Tiger, 10.411/9.2.2) will be used, however, Mac OS 9 or Mac OS X running in Classic Mode can be be used.

  1. Set up the computer by plugging in the keyboard, mouse, and power cable. Connect the other end of power cable to a power outlet.
  2. Connect the computer to the monitor using the DVI cable.
  3. Set up the ABI 392/394 instrument near the computer set up. Plug the instrument to a power outlet.
Computer Setup

1. OligoNet Setup

USB drive containing the OligoNet Software for the ABI 392/394 - Qty 1


If the computer in use is missing the OligoNet software, follow the steps below:

  1. Press the power button to turn on the computer.


  1. Unplug keyboard from computer and insert USB drive into the same USB port.
    • If the computer being used has more than two USB ports, you do not need to unplug the keyboard. Plug the USB drive into an open USB port.


  1. Once USB drive is inserted, an icon labeled "ABI SW" will appear on the desktop. Double click on "ABI SW" and the contents of this USB drive will appear, including the OligoNet software folder.


  1. Locate "OligoNet" folder and drag this folder onto the desktop. The OligoNet folder is now copied onto this computer.


  1. Eject USB drive by clicking arrow on the left hand side of the window.
  2. It is safe to unplug USB drive from computer. Remove USB drive and plug keyboard back into USB port.


  1. On the desktop, double click on "OligoNet" folder. A new window will apear, titled "OligoNet".

2. Connect Components

Asante Talk Ethernet to LocalTalk Bridge (120 VAC or 220 VAC) - Qty 1


  1. Verify power cord of ABI 392/394 test instrument is plugged into a power outlet and turn on instrument, using the power switch.


  1. Unpackage the Asante ethernet bridge box and verify you have all the correct components.
    • Yellow ethernet cable (direct connection)
    • Grey ethernet cable (LAN connection)
    • Apple Talk cable
    • Asante ethernet bridge
    • Black power cord


  1. Connect one end of the yellow ethernet cable to the computer.


  1. Plug the other end of the yellow ethernet cable to the ethernet port on the Asante box, as seen in the picture.


  1. Plug one end of the Apple Talk cable to the Asante ethernet bridge.
  2. Plug the power cord to the left of the Apple Talk cable on the Asante.


  1. Plug other end of Apple Talk cable to the back of the instrument, in the port labeled "APPLETALK".


  1. Plug other end of the black power cord into a power outlet.
    • Make sure instrument and computer are both powered on BEFORE powering on Asante.
  2. The Asante should now have green lights on, indicating it is working.

3. Test Communication


  1. On the computer, locate "OligoNet 1.0.1" file. Double click on this file to open it.
  2. OligoNet software should start up, as seen in the picture.


  1. Once OligoNet loads, a window will appear asking to select a synthesizer. There should be an instrument listed. Select this option, then click "OK".
    • If there is no instrument listed, there is a problem with the communication. Start troubleshooting (Go to Step 4).
  2. A new window should appear, showing information on the instrument and different options to edit.

The communication set up is successful.

4. Troubleshoot Connection


  1. If there is no communication between computer and instrument, there will be no instrument listed on the "Open Synthesizer" window.


  1. Exit the OligoNet program by clicking on the OligoNet 1.0.1 icon at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Go to "File", then click "Quit". The icon at the bottom of the screen should disappear, meaning you have successfully exited the program.


  1. Unplug power from Asante. Wait ~10 seconds for Asante to completely power off, and then plug power back in. Wait ~10-15 seconds for Asante to fully power on.
  2. Start OligoNet program and check to see if an instrument is listed.
  3. If this does not work, power off Asante, instrument, and computer (in this order). Power on the computer, instrument, then Asante (in this order).

Note: The order in which the components are powered on is significant. If these troubleshooting steps do not work, there might be a problem with the computer, ethernet cable, or Asante. Contact to request additional assistance.