

This document leads you through downloading and installing a software update from Biolytic for the Dr. Oligo 48. We recommend a backup be performed to backup data, logs, protocols, custom steps and macros before performing a software update. This document covers how to perform the backup. It is the responsibility of the system owner to ensure that proper backups are performed.

Applies to:

Dr. Oligo 48, Biolytic 3900 and upgraded ABI 3900 instruments


When there is a new version of software to update to for the Dr. Oligo 48 or the Biolytic 3900 follow this procedure.

Download the new version of software:

Please contact support for the link to the latest software needed for your instrument.

Once you have downloaded the Updater, copy it to the Desktop of the PC that is running the Dr. Oligo 48 software (the PC controlling the Biolytic 3900 instrument).

Backup Existing Data Files

To make sure that you do not lose any existing data please perform the following backup before running the new software updater. These instructions will tell you how to make a backup of your existing data.

Backup the "C:\ProgramData\Biolytic Lab Performance" Folder

  1. Open a windows explorer window (press the windows key on the keyboard and the “W” at the same time)
  2. In the left side of this window select the Windows (C:) drive
  3. In the right window right click. A popup menu will appear at your mouse pointer.
    1. Put the mouse pointer on the “New” selection
    2. A fly out menu will appear and one of the selections is Folder, select Folder.
    3. The default new folder name is going to be: New folder. This name is ok to use.
  4. In the left-hand window under the Windows (C:) drive click on the folder named “ProgramData”
  5. In the right-hand window, you will see a folder named “Biolytic Lab Performance”
  6. Right click on the Biolytic Lab Performance folder and select “Copy” from the popup menu.
  7. In the left-hand window click the “Windows (C:)” drive
  8. The right-hand window will now list folders and one of them is the New folder that you created earlier. (step 3.3)
  9. Double click the “New folder” in the right-hand window.
  10. The right-hand window will not be blank (no files or folders)
  11. Right click in the right-hand window and select “Paste” from the popup menu.
  12. Wait for the copy to complete.
  13. Now a copy of your data files are all saved in the “New Folder”.

Backup the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dr. Oligo" Folder

  1. In the left-hand window under the Windows (C:) drive click on the folder named “Program Files (x86)”
  2. In the right-hand window, you will see a folder named “Dr. Oligo”
  3. Right click on the Biolytic Lab Performance folder and select “Copy” from the popup menu.
  4. In the left-hand window click the “Windows (C:)” drive
  5. The right-hand window will now list folders and one of them is the New folder that you created earlier. (step 3.3 in the previous section)
  6. Double click the “New folder” in the right-hand window.
  7. The right-hand window will not be blank (no files or folders)
  8. Right click in the right-hand window and select “Paste” from the popup menu.
  9. Wait for the copy to complete.
  10. Now a copy of your data files are all saved in the “New Folder”.

Performing the Software Update:

  1. Now, double click the updater file that you copied to the desktop on the PC that is controlling the instrument.
  2. This will run the updater.
  3. Follow the instructions and select the default values.
  4. Run the new software. The startup screen should indicate that it is the new version.
  5. Check that your protocols, custom steps, synthesis files, logs etc. are all present in the updated software.
  • Save the backup folders for 30 days after you install the update and make sure that the protocols all work as they did before.
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